Bill Inquiry
Account Name |
Juan Dela Cruz
Account No. |
ATM Ref. |
Bill No. |
Amount |
Due Date |
Disconnection Date |
Workflow - New Service Connection
- Bring the following requirements:
- Proof of Billing (e.g. SFELAPCO Bill, PLDT Bill, Bank Statement, etc.)
- Barangay Certificate
- Any valid ID (photocopy)
- The applicant informs the Customer Service Assistant about the exact location of his house, telephone number, and other information stated in the Water Service Contract. He should be aware on the rules and regulations of the said contract like :
- Classification of water line.
- Responsibility on water meter.
- Payment of water bill on or before the due date to avoid the 10% penalty.
- Inspection, disconnection and reconnection of water line.
- Illegal connection.
- An actual survey will be conducted one (1) or two (2) days after filing application. The inspector will then make an estimate on labor and materials after conducting the survey.
- Applicants must attend the Water Service Orientation every Monday or Wednesday from 3:00pm to 3:30pm before paying the estimated cost and before installing the connection of water line. This is also to inform the applicants about the rules and guides given by the CSFWD.
- Bring the Water Service Contract and the estimated cost of labor and materials and pay the required fees to the cashier. Ask for receipt.
- The Customer Service Assistant makes a Job Order Request for New Service to be forwarded to Construction and Maintenance Division for the Scheduling of Implementation. New service connections are installed within 1-5 working days upon payment.
Reminders on Disconnection of Accounts as Stated in the Water Service Contract
- Service may be disconnected without prior notice.
- Concessionaires with unpaid bills of two (2) months shall be subject for disconnection five (5) days after due date.
- Avoid disconnection. Reconnection fee shall be as follows: P300.00 if disconnected from the service line, and P500.00 if disconnected from the main line. No reconnection fees shall be charged to the client if arrears are paid within twenty-four (24) hours after its disconnection.
- If the client wishes to apply for reconnection, he must bring his water meter to the CSFWD for checking and calibration by the CSFWD Senior Instrument Technician, that is, if the said meter is under client’s custody.
- If arrears are paid after twenty-four (24) hours of its disconnection, the last consumption (this covers the period from the second reading date until the actual disconnection date) shall be added to the total amount payable.
- Reconnections shall be made on the next working day (first come-first served basis) after payment of arrears, reconnection fee, and all other charges, if any.
- Furthermore, accounts with two (2) months overdue bill shall not be allowed to pay at our designated collecting banks. In addition, payment in checks shall not be accepted; payments in cash shall be tendered only at the main office, thereof.
Workflow on Reconnection of Water Meter
- The concessionaire informs the Customer Service Assistant (CSA) about the possible activation of their account by reconnecting their meter. He must bring the water meter to the CSFWD for checking and calibration by the CSFWD Senior Instrument Technician, that is, if the said meter is under client’s custody.
- The CSA prints the account ledger of the concessionaire. They also indicate there the reconnection fee plus all other charges to be paid if any.
- The arrears, as indicated in the account ledger, plus the reconnection fee and all other charges if any, are settled by the concessionaire to the teller.
- The CSA prepares the job-order request for reconnection of their water meter.
- The job-order request is forwarded to the Construction & Maintenance Division for scheduling and implementation of the water service reconnection.
Workflow on Relocation or Transfer of Water Meter
- The concessionaire informs the Customer Service Assistant (CSA) about the possible relocation of their water meter.
- The CSA prepares the job-order request for transfer of their water meter.
- The job-order request is forwarded to the Construction and Maintenance Division for scheduling and implementation of the transfer meter job-order.
Workflow on Relocation or Transfer of Service Connection and Meter to a Different Location
- The concessionaire informs the Customer Service Assistant (CSA) about the possible transfer of service connection and meter to a different location.
- The concessionaire will fill-up the Request for Inspection for transfer line, as assisted by the CSA.
- The CSA prepares the job-order request for inspection of transfer line which will be forwarded to the Construction and Maintenance Division (CMD).
- CMD determines the adequacy of the water system for the actual location where service connection and meter shall be transferred and then, prepares the Materials Requisition Slip (MRS).
- The arrears, if any, plus the transfer line fee and all other charges will be settled by the concessionaire to the teller.
- The CSA records the payment made by the concessionaire at the MRS.
- The MRS will be forwarded by the CSA to the CMD for signature of the Maintenance Foreman and CMD Division Manager, then for final approval by the General Manager.
- The job-order is scheduled for implementation by the CMD.
Workflow on Extension of the Meter Stand
- The concessionaire informs the Customer Service Assistant (CSA) about the possible extension of their meter stand.
- The CSA prepares the job-order request for extend meter stand.
- The job-order request is forwarded to the Construction and Maintenance Division for scheduling and implementation.
Workflow on Maintenance and Leakage Repair of the Service Line Connection
- The concessionaire informs the Customer Service Assistant (CSA) about the possible maintenance and leakage repair.
- The CSA prepares the corresponding job-order request for maintenance and leakage repair.
- The job-order request is forwarded to the Construction and Maintenance Division for scheduling and implementation.
Workflow on voluntary Disconnection of Water Service
- The concessionaire informs the Customer Service Assistant (CSA) about the possible voluntary disconnection of their account.
- The CSA prepares the corresponding job-order request for voluntary disconnection.
- The job-order request is forwarded to the Construction & Maintenance Division for scheduling and implementation
Workflow on Testing of Accuracy of the Water Meter
- The concessionaire informs the Customer Service Assistant (CSA) about the possible testing of accuracy of their water meter.
- The CSA prepares the corresponding job-order request for accuracy testing.
- The job-order request is forwarded to the Construction and Maintenance Division for scheduling and implementation.
- The Water Maintenance Man pulls-out the meter to be tested for accuracy.
- The CSFWD Senior Instrumental Technician tests the accuracy of the water meter, and calibrates it if needed.